Thursday, September 22, 2011

Simplicity 2

I chose the idea about how some people like to inflate things so the sound smarter and others think the work is better. I chose this idea because it is something that I do often. If I do not want to use the same word twice I might use another word that means the same thing and sounds smarter. I do believe that this applies to other things because many people think that by making something more complicated (was going to write intricate) that it is better. Something that a lot of people forget is that for centuries people found that there was beauty in simplicity.

I think that this was William Zinner's idea as well because he wrote "our nations tendency is to inflate and therefor sound important." I think that he couldn't get more right because if we had kept things simple and didn't advance the way that we did there wouldn't be any pollution and people would all know how to work hard. I read a book about a different world that people never got farther in technology than swords and shields and everything is simple and they have no problems with the environment or and people all contribute.

William Zinner's says in his essay "the secret of good writing is to strip it down to its simplest components." Another reason that I chose this quote was because I had never put to much thought into how if I keep something simple it could be just as good if not better. I think that I still will do it sometimes but I think that when I do I will think about how and if I can make it better by making in simple and easier for others to understand. The last thing that I will talk about is when I am writing I sometimes write with my "vision" and don"t think about if the reader will understand it or not. I understand now that by rereading my work I can make it easier for others to understand.

1 comment:

  1. Mason, nice ideas. I enjoyed reading your entry. You have a lot to say!

    3/5 points. Be careful. There are a variety of technical errors in this entry. First, structurally, you did not introduce your topic in the first paragraph. If someone else were reading this, they might be confused about what this piece is all about. You need a strong lead for everything you write. Second, there are mechnical errors. For example, when you introduce a quote, you need to put a comma in the sentence before the quotation marks. Interestingly, you give yourself good advice: "The last thing that I will talk about is when I am writing I sometimes write with my "vision" and don"t think about if the reader will understand it or not. I understand now that by rereading my work I can make it easier for others to understand." Please reread your work before you post next time. :)
